Compost Drop Off Sites
Elm City Compost is exploring food/organic waste diversion in in the towns surrounding the Monadnock Region
We at Elm City Compost believe there could be a successful food/organic waste collection sites within the region surrounding Keene. This site would allow for residents to dispose of a large list of compostable wastes that would normally go to a landfill.
This collection site can take on a few forms, but right now we are asking community members to connect with us to see what kind of interest there is for such a program.
If you are interested, please follow the survey link listed below. Your responses will help us to determine what options and whether or not we have enough community buy in to start such a program.
Composting in Schools
Could there be food waste programs in our local schools?
Elm City Compost has been having discussions with local schools in Keene about starting a food/organic waste diversion program. Such a program has many obstacles, but even more benefits. Many parents are told of the mass amounts of food and materials that end up in the trash, and there is a very simple fix.
If you have children in the school systems and are passionate about school compost projects please stay tuned as we will need community support to get these programs off the ground. Don't be afraid to email us and to talk with your schools and teachers about a program like this.